icoana pictata Mantuitorul
icoana pictata Mantuitorul
icoana Pictata Maica Domnului
icoana Pictata Maica Domnului
icoana pictata Sf Ioan Botezatorul
icoana pictata Sf Ioan Botezatorul
icoana pictata Sf Elena
icoana pictata Sf Elena
icoana pictata Sf Mina
icoana pictata Sf Mina
icoana pictata sf Gheorghe
icoana pictata sf Gheorghe
icoana pictata sf Paisie Aghioritul
icoana pictata sf Paisie Aghioritul
icoana pictata sf Efrem cel nou
icoana pictata sf Efrem cel nou

”The icon of Christ is nothing but Christ, obviously apart from the difference in substance, as has been shown several times. That is why its worship is a worship of Christ, since there is nothing devoted to the matter of the icon, but only Christ likened to it. And those who have only one likeness have only one worship.” - St. Theodore Studite